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Benefits of Strawberry Mask

No one else could a woman so memperhatiakan this one part of the body, namely the face, because the face has an important role in life. Clean face shine boost one's self-confidence. But often face having problems either because of acne, oily, or dry and dull. For that developed many ways to do facial treatments. One way that is often used is to use a face mask. 

Benefits of Strawberry Mask

To regain face clean, smooth and healthy, it needs regular maintenance. Good care of the inside, as well as care of the outside. "The care of in a way to consume nutritious foods". While facial treatments from the outside can be done by cleaning the skin with using traditional recipes such as scrubs or masks. 

Make sure the mask and traditional herbal products you are a product of Centeral Health Jogjakarta suda proven efficacy and authenticity. Scrubs and masks products we do not use dyes or fragrance perfume. So, you are safe from risks such as skin cancer and so on. 

Strawberry facial mask made ​​from fruit extracts stawberry. Strawberry fruit contains salicylic acid (a type of acid beta-hidkroksi that helps tighten the skin), silica, and vitamins B, C, E, and K. With the ability to nourish and rejuvenate the skin, strawberry suitable for use for all skin types. 

  1. Help tighten the skin. 
  2. Nourish and rejuvenate the skin. 
  3. Smooth the skin and makes colors brighter and cleaner. 
  4. Menggangkat dead skin cells. 
  5. Improving blood flow. 
  6. Help counteract free radicals. 
  7. Moisturizes and makes the skin naturally becomes fragrant. 
How to use a natural face mask:
  1. Mix the mask powder with warm water / rose water / honey. 
  2. Add olive oil if necessary. 
  3. The first stage of the method is the use of a face mask Clean your face with a facial cleanser and toner. 
  4. Apply the mask that has become the paste on the face with massaging movements so that the texture will oatmeal exfoliates layers of dead skin on the face. 
  5. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. 
  6. Rinse with warm water. 
  7. Use moisturizer. 

Perform this ritual at least 2 times per month, or when you're want to feel "in love", and see for yourself the effect on the skin and your mood.