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Benefits of Eating Red Fruit

Red fruit is a fruit that comes from the traditional Papua. The scientific name of this red fruit is Pandanus Conoideus Lam. Because it comes from Papua then automatically red fruit is a common area of ​​Papua and widely used by people of Wamena. 

Benefits of Eating Red Fruit

Red fruits are usually served by public of Wamena on indigenous foods grilled on stone traditional ceremonies. Traditionally red fruit has been consumed for generations since time immemorial by people of Papua. Benefits of red fruits that can be used as a drug to treat drugs as eye, skin worms and increase stamina. Red fruit contains compounds that can be used as medicine.  

Benefits of Eating Red Fruit 

Benefits of eating red fruis, among others: 
1. Curing AIDS 
As we know that AIDS can kill slowly. Already a lot of scientists and clinicians who conduct research to cure this disease. But you should know that the benefits of red fruit can cure AIDS. Red fruits contain high tocopherol and beta-carotene which can help cure aids. Tocopherol and beta-carotene eventually combine to break down the amino acids needed by the virus that causes AIDS, HIV, the virus that can not hold his life. 

2. Overcoming uric acid 
Uric acid occurs due to an interruption in the liver and eventually liver secrete a substance called uric acid. Tocopherol is found in red fruits make the benefits of red fruit can dilute the uric acid in the blood and liver repair work. 

3. Stroke and high blood 
Stroke occurs due to narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels. Stroke usually caused by high blood pressure. This stroke can cause paralysis and even death occurs. Stroke caused by heart which can not pump blood. Tocopherol content in red fruit can be launched and thin the blood vessels so that adequate oxygen content in the blood. 

4. Osteoporosis 
Osteoporosis occurs as a result of bone loss. Osteoporosis usually experienced by the elderly due to calcium deficiency. Red fruit that contains calcium can prevent osteoporosis. In 100 grams of fresh red fruit contained 54,000 milligrams of calcium. 

5. Preventing cancer 
As we know that cancer is a leading cause of death. Cancer is caused by a hormonal imbalance that causes abnormal growth of meat on the body.

Papua red fruit can cure cancer because the content tokoferolnya very high, reaching 11,000 ppm to 7,000 ppm and beta-carotene. Both of these compounds act as antioxidants and boost the immune system and prevent the propagation of cancer cells in the body.