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Strawberry Juice

Strawberry fruit contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are indispensable body. In order to obtain maximum health benefits, you can process it into a red fruit strawberry juice. It was delicious, fresh and certainly nourish the body thanks to a natural ingredient in it. Remember! Fruit juice therapy is not only to heal, but also to maintain fitness naturally. 

Strawberry Juice

Did you know that vitamin C in strawberries more than oranges? But you should not be fooled by its shape due to small and medium-sized strawberry tastes sweeter than the large size. While the average strawberry seeds in the fruit of 200 seeds. You do not have to worry about eating fruit seeds, leaves even attached to the top of the fruit can be eaten directly strowberry without the need to be processed. 

1 passion fruit juice strawberry grape 
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150 grams of strawberries 
150 grams of wine 
100 grams of the content of passion fruit, take the water 
150 ml of plain boiled water 
Shaved ice to taste 

How to make: 
Enter fruit ingredients into a blender, add water ripe passion fruit and water. 
Process in a blender until completely smooth. 
Pour into serving glasses. 
Serve with shaved ice to add to the freshness of the juice. 

2 strowberry papaya Juice 
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30 grams of strawberries 
75 grams of papaya 
1 tablespoon sugar syrup 
½ cup of boiled water 

How to make: 
Discard the petals strowberry fruit, wash clean. 
Peel the papaya and cut into cubes. 
Put all ingredients into a blender, process until smooth. 
Pour into glasses and serve immediately. 

3 strowberry longan juice 
3 juice image 
50 grams of meat longan fruit 
30 grams of strawberries 
1 tablespoon sugar syrup 
½ cup of water 

How to make: 
Discard the petals strowberry, wash thoroughly. 
Enter the ingredients into a blender, puree. 
Pour into glasses and serve immediately. 

4. Strawberry guava juice 
4 juice image 
50 grams of strawberry 
75 grams of red guava 
50 grams of sweet orange grain 
1 tablespoon sugar syrup 
¾ cup of boiled water 

How to make: 
Strawberry in the exhaust leaves and wash thoroughly. 
Guava fruit is washed and cut into pieces. 
Mix red guava with boiled water, puree in a blender. Filter. 
Combine guava juice with strawberries and sugar syrup. 
Puree again with a blender until well blended. 
Pour into a glass. 
Add ears of sweet orange and serve. 

5. strawberry orange juice 
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75 grams of fresh ripe strawberry. 
1 medium-size sweet citrus fruit. 
1 tbsp sugar syrup. 
½ cup of water. 

How to make: 
Clean the strawberries with running water, remove the leaves. 
Squeeze the orange, reserving the juice. 
Put all into a blender, process until smooth. 
Pour into serving glasses and serve.