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Benefits of Eating Bitter Melon Fruit

Bitter melon fruit is originated from tropical Asia, especially the western regions of India, are Assam and Burma. Bitter melon fruit is a kind of fruit vines with long and tapered at the ends and jagged surface.

Bitter melon fruit grows in many tropical regions. It grows well in the lowlands and can be found in wastelands, upland, or cultivated and planted in the yard with a fence to be taken propagated in the fruit. These plants do not need too much sunlight so it can thrive in places that are somewhat protected.

Benefits of Eating Bitter Melon Fruit

Many people who do not like bitter melon fruit because it tastes bitter, bitter taste arising in bitter melon fruit is caused by the presence of saponin substances. Bitter melon fruit also contains Albiminoid, carbohydrates and dyes leaves contain bitter substances, fatty oils, resins acids, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 and C. While the roots containing acid and acid momordial aleonolat. While the seeds contain saponins, alkaloids, triterprenoid, and momordial acid.

Benefits of Eating Bitter Melon Fruit

Although it tastes bitter, turns this fruit has benefits.
Pare the benefits include:
  1. In this pare American countries is processed into a powder and then used as a capsule. Scientists in the U.S. believe that  can preventing pare the development of the HIV AIDS virus to spread faster.
  2. The content of vitamin C in the fruit of bitter melon can be antiokwidan to ward off free radicals from the outside and can beautify the skin because it can replace damaged cells.
  3. Pare seed extract is usually only used as a medicine, can also be used as a repellent adverse larvae.
  4. Since ancient times, bitter melon fruit is used to treat people with diabetes have proven efficacious hypoglycemic by insulin plant which reduces the sugar content in blood and urine.
  5. A study confirms that bitter melon fruit has a component that resembles a sulfonylurea, the most old antidiabetic drug. These drugs stimulate the body's beta cells of the pancreas produce more insulin, in addition to increasing the deposit reserve sugar glycogen in the liver.
  6. Although pare high begizi and can treat a variety of diseases, but for pregnant women, should not take bitter melon. Because bitter melon, contains compounds that can abort the womb. In addition, the limit also pare consumption in children, because bitter melon can lower blood sugar levels. Feared the child would drop sugar levels or decreased, whereas sugar important role in the growth of children.