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Benefits Strawberry For Natural Teeth Whitening

It has become a common story that has yellow teeth can make a person's self confidence so down. This is because yellow teeth make one's appearance to be imperfect. Therefore, many of us are trying to find ways to make your teeth white and clean. Commonly done by the Indonesian people is by brushing. Though there are materials that can be used as a natural bleach and the price is not too expensive, the strawberry fruit. It turns out that the strawberry is a natural remedy teeth whitening has high efficacy and can also be obtained easily. 

Benefits Strawberry For Natural Teeth Whitening

Previously, many products offered to whiten teeth. Generally the product is in the form in which its use is recommended toothpaste by brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day morning and night before bed. Each product of pasta always give confidence to consumers that are able to whiten teeth, make the mouth becomes fragrant and remove plaque. But the toothpaste is made from materials that are not natural or artificial chemicals. Among the artificial chemical that is normally: hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate, glycerin, sodium fluoride, alcohol etc.. 

Natural Teeth Whitening with Minimal Side Effects 
Natural ingredients are often used because it is believed only minimal side effects for humans and the environment. Actually not only strawberries are considered capable of making teeth become white or whiter. There are several other types of fruit that can be used as whitening teeth like lemon. But this time we will discuss the strawberries as a natural teeth whitener. 

Strawberry is known as the fruit is consumed and loved by many people because of the attractive appearance with a tempting red color. Fragrant fruit which can arouse membuar saliva flow. Fruit flavors are certainly very deliciously good when eaten raw, made ​​juice, or made ​​other snacks like cake. 

In terms of cultivars, known by the Latin name strawberry Fragaria × ananassa ie, included in the Rosaceae or rose family. Strawberry crop widely grown throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Areas in Indonesia that are easily found around the strawberry crops and Ciwidey Lembang West Java, Bogor and Puncak area that has other cold. 

Strawberry fruit contains very beneficial for the body. The content of strawberry fruit is the largest of vitamin C. While the other is in the form of water, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and other ( 
While the substance was instrumental in teeth whitening is the enzyme malic acid (malic enzyme). 
Malic acid Strawberry Make Being White Teeth 
Malic acid (Malic Acid) is a naturally occurring substance in the metabolic processes in plants taik fruit or vegetable crops. This material contributes to the sour taste of fruit. Malic acid has a known acidity or low pH levels or below 7, so it has a sour taste. 
Actually, malic acid is also formed naturally in the human body. The function of malic acid in the human body as energy in muscle. People who suffer from lack of malic acid will easily tired when activity and easily hurt. 
This acid is considered to be able to erase the stains on the teeth that usually rust-colored or yellow. And besides it also can make the teeth become white or whiter. The chemical process of how a change from yellow to white teeth has not been clear. However, from the results of experiments have given evidence, that strawberry with malatnya acid to whiten teeth. 

How to Use Strawberry to whiten teeth 
Whitening teeth strawberry is very easy to use. Enough to crush strawberries with a grind, or destroyed using a blender. And stick it on the teeth for several minutes. Generally taped for 5 minutes. Then after that clean the teeth of the remaining strawberries on the teeth with a brush and rinse. 
The addition of baking soda or baking soda to crushed strawberries can also be done to give maximum results white teeth. The comparison with stawberry destroy 3 pieces and add 2 teaspoons of baking soda mixed secra evenly. Processes are the same as above. 

There are any side effects when strawberries whiten teeth 
Basically teeth have enamel that coats the function of sensitive teeth and other things. But enamel is easily eroded due to the acidic conditions in the mouth. While the aforementioned strawberries have malic acid with a low pH or acid, and also a fairly high sugar content. So it has the potential of damaging the teeth strawberry too. However, this occurs when the attachment of strawberry too long in the tooth. This usually occurs due to less than perfect teeth cleaning when removing crushed strawberries and baking soda on teeth. Consequently intentions naturally whiten teeth using strawberries can be a total failure. 
Hopefully benefits of strawberries as a natural teeth whitener can be helpful for you.