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Benefits of Fruits For Beauty

Beauty is important by women. For look beautiful do not necessarily have to use chemicals that price is not able to be reached by our income, beauty may be obtained easily by eating only fruit. In this article will discuss in detail how the benefits of fruit for beauty. You need to know your fruit should also take note and disisilain fruit also contribute to the health and brightness of your skin. Beauty that can be found naturally exudes charm from within us.

Benefits of Fruits For Beauty

The following are some of the benefits of fruits for beauty:

1. Bananas 
Before we know it we've probably often consume fruit on this one. Bananas are believed to tighten the skin and remove dead cells or lift to the face. We can use a banana mask 2 times a day, the fruit is suitable for use in older women who want to still look beautiful.

2. Apples 
Consuming apple juice has often done, but what if apple was used as a conditioner on your skin. Apples can mengecangkan skin, reduce wrinkles and inflammation of the face, smooth the skin, but it can also avoid apples scalp of dandruff.

3. Fruits Avocados 
The content of vitamin E contained in avocado fruit is believed to affect the beauty of the face. Vitamin E is believed to replace the damaged cells of your facial pad. If you have a dry face, then you can often use an avocado mask.

4. Fruits Bengkoang
White fruit and have a soft texture proved believed to moisturize and refresh the skin.

Benefits of Fruits For Beauty

5. Pineapple Fruit 
In some women have rough and dry skin is a problem in itself. Pineapple is a tropical fruit that can be used to solve the problem. The most easy way and can be done in a way that smoothes pineapple and rub it on the face.

6. Fruits Apricots 
Excellent apricot fruit juice consumed to overcome the effects of the sun burned skin, eczema and hives.

7. Cucumber Fruit 
The fruit is usually used by most people to be the face maske. Believed to be a refreshing cucumber skin.

8. Fruits Tomatoes 
The last fruit is believed to have benefits for beauty is the fruit's bright red color, especially if not tomatoes. Tomatoes can protect the face from exposure to UV rays that can harm the face. Besides these fruits can remove blemishes and acne scars.

From the above explanation can already dibuktikn that chemicals can not always be used to produce beauty, simply by eating fruit alone we can already feel the impact and benefits, in addition to cheap and affordable as well.