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Benefits of Eating Betel Nut

Betel Nut is a type of palm that grows in the Pacific region, Asia and eastern Africa. Pinang is also the name of this fruit. In English known as Betel palm or Betel nut tree, and its scientific name is Areca catechu. Midrib of the leaf-shaped tube with a length of 80 cm, short petiole, leaf blade length to 80 cm, the child leaves 85 x 5 cm, with torn and jagged ends. 

Benefits of Eating Betel Nut Fruit

Betel nut which has a bitter taste as it contains alkoloida arekaina (arecaine) and arekolina (arecoline) which has a toxic and addictive properties. Some important matter content in areca nut include arecaidine, arecolidine, guvacoline, guracine and several other elements. 

  1. Betel nuts young woman believed to shrink the uterus after childbirth. Betel nuts can be boiled young, and drink the decoction of betel nuts. 
  2. Betel nuts are believed to stop bleeding, it is due to the presence of choline-containing compounds. 
  3. Benefits of betel nuts can also treat intestinal worms, content archoline believed to mengataci worms in poultry. 
  4. Adding arousal in men. 
  5. Natural dyes contained in the young betel nut is widely used as a dye fiber. Much easier, natural and of high quality. Wine red color on the fruit is sourced from the matchmaker phobapheen compounds contained therein. 
  6. Chewing betel nuts and drink water to avoid a myopic eye 

Medically those who regularly consume matchmaker actually get better benefits. If you do not like the color that is attached to the teeth, you can try matchmaker extract capsules are now beginning to bloom developed by manufacturers of herbal remedies.