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Benefits of Eating Apricot Fruit

Apricot fruit is a species of the subgenus Prem. Difficult to ascertain the origin of this plant has been cultivated since the since prehistoric times. The plant likely originated from the north and west of mainland China or Central Asia, but it may also come from Korea or Japan. Apricot fruit is a round orange fruit is very sweet and chewy. Apricot contains antioxidants and high fiber. 

Benefits of Eating Apricot Fruit

Apricot fruit is a small tree, 8-12 m tall, with stems up to 40 cm in diameter and canopy, dense spreading. Apricot leaves ovate, 5-9 cm and 4-8 cm wide, with a rounded base, a pointed tip and a finely serrated margin. 

The apricots are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, and kalium.Sebuah apricot weighing about 40 grams, contains 17 calories, 4 grams carbohydrates, 0.5 grams protein, 3 grams sugar, 1 gram dietary fiber, 1 gram of fat, and no cholesterol. Levels of vitamin A in apricots was 914.20 IU of beta carotene with number 544.95 mcg, 3 mcg folate, and 1.2 mcg of vitamin K. The fruit has high levels of potassium, namely 104 mg, 3 mg of magnesium, and 7 mg of phosphorus. Moreover, apricots also have high levels of lycopene. 

Benefits of Eating Apricot Fruit 

Of the nutrients found in apricots, then the benefits of eating apricots, among others: 
  1. The content of carotenoids in fruits apricot is an antioxidant that helps prevent heart attacks. It also reduces levels of bad cholesterol in the body, and protects the body from the possibility of a malignant cancer. 
  2. Apricot seeds can be used to treating asthma and cough, and can help the respiratory system. 
  3. The fiber content in apricots can overcome constipation pain and help facilitate the digestive system. 
  4. Beta carotene is a compound that is needed for eye health. Beta carotene can we get the apricot fruit. 
  5. Apricots can be used to treat anemia. This is because the apricot contains minerals such as iron and copper that helps in the production of hemoglobin. 
  6. Apricot oil was found to be effective in skin care. In addition to making your skin glow and smooth, apricot oil is also able to treat scabies and eczema.