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Strawberry Mask to Overcome Acne

Strawberry mask for stubborn acne on the face can be a good alternative in dealing with acne, strawberry mask for acne is certainly you can make yourself at home in taking care of the face to be free of acne. Treat acne with strawberry mask has become a safe and easy way to overcome the acne on the face. 

Strawberry Mask to Overcome Acne

Sour taste, this strawberry appeared to have a natural acid content Salicyl where the natural ingredients to be one source of material that can be used in treating acne. Besides the natural ingredients found in strawberry vitamin C available in strawberry can also nourish the skin and be able to make facial skin look brighter naturally. 

Other natural ingredients that can be added to the strawberry mask for acne is to add honey. Honey become one of the natural ingredients that are so helpful in providing extra natural moisture to the skin, especially facial skin. Besides using honey you can also add lemon to strawberry mask for acne. A natural ingredient found in lemons are capable of removing dead skin cells that can give the effect of a brighter face naturally. In the strawberry mask for acne yogurt can also be added which serves to provide natural nutrients to the face to keep it smooth and soft. 

Strawberry Mask to Overcome Acne

Prepare the ingredients and here's how to make a strawberry mask for stubborn acne on your face. 

Pilihlan 4 fresh strawberries and a rather large size, add about 2 tablespoons of pure honey 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice 2 tablespoons yogurt with no flavor. Puree strawberries in a blender and mix of additives stir again until evenly then pour into a container. Clean your face before wearing this strawberry mask, strawberry mask to wear you should use a soft brush to rub the entire surface of your face and then flatten the strawberry mask. Let stand for about 15 minutes until the permeate perfect strawberry mask on your skin. after the mask is left in place in sufficient time, wash your face with clean water. Dry your face by using a soft towel to dry devoted face. 

By wearing a strawberry mask for facial acne on a regular basis then this will surely face free of acne are other benefits that can be obtained when using this strawberry mask is the face becomes softer and also appear naturally brighter.