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Benefits of Strawberry Fruit for Face Without Blemish

If you want to look pretty, wear with natural ingredients such as fresh fruits that can make your natural beauty shine. 

Looking like a smooth face with no blemishes? 
Also like to see a fresh red strawberry fruit blush? 

Benefits of Strawberry Fruit for Face Without Blemish

So what to do with the smooth face of strawberries? 
Strawberries are fruits rich in vitamin C, which is helpful for the body health. Not only that, vitamin C is also helpful to keep the skin beauty. Strawberries can eliminate blemishes

1 Prepare some large strawberries and cut into 2 parts. 
2 squeezed or crushed strawberries to remove the water. 
3 Use strawberries as a natural mask evenly over the face while in the soft circled. 
4 Allow the stick in the face about 2 -5 minutes. 
5. Rinse with warm water or clean water. 

The water content in strawberries contain acids that bermandaat to help remove layers of dead skin. In addition, strawberries contain antioxidants that can nourish the skin. And most interesting is that it can restore facial skin color so stains can be lost. Perform this activity as much as 2x a week.