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Benefits of Bananas Peel For Beauty

Not only has a sweet taste and sticky, bananas are also rich in vitamins and minerals as well. Most people only know eat bananas as a fruit or processed only limited to just one culinary ingredients. 

Not only the fruit which has benefits for the body, banana peels also appeared to have a property that is not less great. Banana peels are known to have benefits for beauty, because banana peels are known to have anti-fungal and antibiotic properties. Besides banana peel is also loaded in vitamins, minerals and fiber. 

Benefits of Bananas Peel For Beauty

Here are some benefits of banana peels for beauty, as summarized from various sources: 

Treating Acne 
Banana skin it can be used to treat acne. The trick is to rub the inside of the banana skin to facial acne. Try to do this way on a regular basis at night before bed to get maximum results. 

Make skin supple 
In addition to eliminating acne, it turns pisangpun porters can make your face becomes taut and supple. By doing the same way, ie rubbing the inside of a banana peel to your face slowly and evenly and then allowed to stand overnight. When the morning, you can instantly clean by washing your face using warm water. 

Overcoming skin irritation and itching 
Aside from being a beauty treatment for the face, a banana peel can also be overcome irritation and itching on the skin. If you experience irritation on your skin itchy, do not scratch it because it will make your hands hurt. You can directly attach the inside of the banana peel in the areas that itch on your skin and let stand overnight. The inside of the banana skin appeared to have chemicals that can relieve itching 

Treating dry feet 
Banana peel can also overcome the skin turns dry or chapped on foot. The trick is to apply the banana skin on your feet, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The result will be a truly amazing, you will get your feet back gently. 

Similarly, some of the reviews on the benefits of banana peel behind. May be useful.