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Benefits of Banana For Children

Banana is a fruit that we can easily find the cheapest, you know about his prowess kah? Including dense banana fruit nutrients and energy are also rich in antioxidants. Soft texture makes banana fruit is often used as a food choice for infants. For children, bananas can also be a healthy lunch to school because in addition to safe, hygienic also does not contain chemicals. 

Benefits of Banana For Children

In many developed countries, bananas are often the food supplies to school children breakfast or as a nutrient-dense and rich in fiber. Bananas have a high nutrient content and is easily absorbed and digested by the body. Sugar Banana is a fruit sugar, so it's pretty good as a store of energy for a little more slowly absorbed by the body. Thus providing enough energy for the children to be ready to follow the lessons in school. Bananas should be consumed before eating the main meal. But banana can aggravate jaundice and mucous, but eat bananas with sugar and honey can reduce the side effects. 

Based on the benefits for the benefit of mankind, banana trees divided into three kinds, namely: 

Fiber banana (Musa textilis), which is used for the manufacture of textile fiber trunk. 
Ornamental bananas, commonly planted as an ornament example is bananas and banana-Pisangan fan. 
Banana fruit (Musa paradisiaca) planted with the aim to utilize its fruit. 
Banana fruit can be divided into four groups: 

The first group is directly edible after being cooked (also called banana table), for example, is: kepok banana, milk, green, gold, king, yellow Ambon, Ambon moss, goodies, and cavendish banana. The second category is edible after being processed first, for example banana horns, oil, cotton, and bananas bangkahulu. The third group is that bananas can be eaten immediately after cooking or after processed first, for example kepok bananas and plantains. The fourth group is the edible bananas while still raw, for example klutuk bananas (banana rock) that taste Sepat and tasty salad to be made. Klutuk banana with the skin are often added to the salad to prevent abdominal pain or stomach ache after eating salad. 

To extend the lasting power and power use, bananas can be processed into various products. Raw banana fruit can be processed into dried cassava, flour, starch, glucose syrup, tape, and chips. Ripe fruit can be processed into a sale, jam, lunkhead, fruit juice, puree, sauce, nectar, banana fritters, banana Epe, boiled bananas, compote, getuk, ledre, roasted banana cheese, and various other snacks. 

Bananas are also very suitable as a choice Weaning (Complementary feeding). Solid foods should be rich in energy, protein and micronutrients, especially iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate. If the amount is less then the solids giving baby's growth will be stunted. Babies introduced solid foods at 6 months of age. At this age the baby needs to grow up and move can no longer be met by breast milk or formula milk thus require additional mkanan. However, when at the age of 4-5 months baby's weight increase is less than it should then it could start to be given solid foods at that age. 

Benefits of Banana For Children

Bananas are known as fruit rich in nutrients because bananas contain levels according to the study include: - Potassium, Folate, FOS -Vitamin A, B1, B6, C - Fat - Minerals (potassium, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus) - Carbohydrates - Dextrose - Lectins - Water - Sucrose - Levulose - Starch, - Substance Tryptophan. 

A study of banana involving 200 students in the school Twickehnham, in middlesex, England. They are given additional foods such as bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch. The study was conducted before the exam time. 

As a result, the consumption of these bananas help their learning process. Potassium is found in bananas is what served to increase the concentration of children's learning. In addition, potassium and vitamin B6 it helpful to address the problem of excess fluid in the body. High content of potassium can lower blood pressure so as to prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia in pregnant women, if frequently consumed every day. Potassium also maintain a healthy heart, and facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain. The content of potassium (potash) and magnesiumnya also very useful, especially for the cardiovascular system as well as muscle and nerve health. 

In addition, the amount of vitamin B in bananas are quite high also able to maintain the activity of the nervous system works. This has encouraged the students can concentrate longer. Bananas contain vitamin B6 and folate in a significant amount so that it is suitable to prevent early dementia and also to prevent colon cancer. Folat acid reduces the risk of child birth defects in pregnant women, as well as nutrients for brain development. 

Bananas are also recommended to be consumed by children who have problems with the digestive system because the texture of the flesh is smooth and soft. Bananas can be eaten without adding to the digestive system. Latex found in bananas can also prevent irritation to the lining of the stomach and intestines. 

For children who have anemia, bananas are a good food. This is because bananas are rich in iron that can stimulate the formation of red blood cells. In addition, by eating bananas, the child will not constipated, as it did when given iron supplements. 

High content of pyridoxine, flavonoids and alkaloids found in bananas, especially bananas rajabulu, is thought to have antidiabetic activity. That is why, given rajabulu bananas to children who suffer from diabetes. 

Bananas are also useful for those who experience stress and fatigue. The content of vitamin B6, folate, and substance tryptophan in bananas helps the production of endorphins and neurotransmitters that trigger the growth of a sense of happiness that is suitable in consumption when you're feeling stressed. 

In addition, according to Dr. Sobir, sorotonin levels in bananas is quite high, around 31.4 ng / g. So also contains potassium. The formation is stimulated by tryptophan sorotonin existing on bananas. Serotonin is a compound that makes feeling relaxed, calm, adding to the mood or moods, as well as create a feeling happier, so that stress and fatigue can be expelled. That is why children are tired or stressed after learning in school can be a banana. Bananas can also be given when the child is difficult to sleep at night. Provide a banana with milk, which both contain tryptophan, will make the child more calm, so they can get to sleep soundly. 

Fruktooligosakarida (FOS) to protect the colon from kanker.Bahkan attacks, researchers from the United States found that a lectin, a chemical compound found in bananas can inhibit the progression of HIV infection in the body by blocking viral entry. 

High content of Vitamin A can increase the body's resistance to respiratory infection, scaly skin, and blindness. 

Parents can cultivate bananas into banana milkshake (banana milk shake), banana split or like fried bananas penyet sown mesis / cheese, corn juice banana, avocado banana puree, banana puree dates, or processed bananas are easy to make and appearance tempting children, as school lunch or breakfast to children.