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Benefits of Noni For Healthy

As already discussed in a previous article that Morinda citrifolia is one fruit that comes from southeast Asia and grows at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level. In this article we will discuss the health benefits of noni. Noni contains nutrizi needed for the body, ranging from vitamins and minerals. Because the content of this it is not impossible if you have the health benefits of noni.

Benefits of Noni For Healthy

Health benefits of noni to include:
1. Preventing cancer
In the noni fruit contains or contained substances that can fight cancer cells. This substance was the reply will be highly effective to prevent the formation of cancer cells.

2. Increase endurance
The content of vitamin C contained in the noni fruit is useful to improve our immune system, vitamin C content in noni fruit may not be as much on citrus fruit, but do not lose the benefits of citrus fruits.

3. Controlling blood pressure
Eating in the form of noni fruit juice, fresh fruit or supplements are highly recommended, because it can prevent the nutritional content of hypertension. Blood pressure becomes more stable.

4. Launching the digestive tract
With Consumming noni fruit regularly can also aid digestion. Diseases such as abdominal bloating, vomiting, sores in the small intestine and stomach ulcers can be treated with noni fruit.

5. Overcoming fever
Substances contained in the noni fruit can be used to treat fever. Namely how to use the fruit of the noni fruit and rhizome. These two ingredients are boiled in two cups of water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Taken twice a day ie morning and afternoon.

6. Kill bacteria
Active substances contained in Noni juice is very useful to kill bacteria as the cause of infection, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Protens morganii, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis. In addition to the bacteria, anti-bacterial substances contained in Noni fruit is also useful for controlling bacterial pathogens deadly bacteria.

That was our discussion about the benefits of noni for healthy. Never underestimate the benefits of fruit that we can feel for the health....